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Construction and End Loans

Sunmark offers construction loans with up to 100% financing available for new home construction. We offer both construction and end loans, depending on the needs of your homebuilder and your budget timeline.

  • 12 months build time
  • Low rates and fees
  • No down payment needed

New Construction End Loans • 18 Month Rate Locks!

Sunmark Credit Union offers long interest rate lock options for buyers who are purchasing a home that is being newly constructed by a builder. Borrowers can enjoy peace of mind knowing they are protected from rate increases and the process is simple!
  • Interest rate is locked for 540 days instead of 60
  • Allows for a one time “float down” if rates improve before closing
  • Easy borrowing process, similar to a standard conventional loan
  • Feel secure knowing that your rate is protected


Locking your interest rate does not constitute loan approval and it does not guarantee that you will qualify for the loan program you have “locked.” Rate lock is guaranteed for the cost and duration specified in your lock in agreement. Sunmark cannot anticipate whether interest rates will go up or down during the loan-processing period. Any decision to “lock” or “float down” should be based upon your own evaluation of the market. Speak with a Sunmark representative for additional details about the cost, terms, and conditions of rate lock offerings.
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