Dining on a Budget: A Traditional Breakfast with a TwistDine in style — without breaking your budget! We’ve prepared 40 absolutely delicious recipes that are easy on your time and easy on your wallet.> The same bowl of cereal can get boring after eating it for breakfast day in and day out. You may find yourself looking for something new and exciting to start your whole family’s morning off on the right foot while not adding to the size of your grocery bill. Kids can be picky when it comes to breakfast foods, but this recipe for Sausage Frech Toast Roll-Ups is a quick and easy way to fill their bellies with a taste of several flavors they may already love. It’s a perfect way to fill your morning with joy, no matter if the hours ahead are filled with work, school or play. A sizzling sausage link wrapped with French toast, it combines a favorite breakfast protein and traditional deliciousness in one little roll. Drizzled with warm maple syrup at the end, even adults can’t help but indulge in these breakfast bites. This is a quick dish too, using few kitchen utensils, which makes for more time in the morning to enjoy the little things that matter most like moments with family before rushing out the door. This recipe can also be made when your family is craving breakfast for dinner. Get ready to dine in style — without breaking your budget! We’ve prepared 40 absolutely delicious recipes that are easy on your time and easy on your wallet. Download our FREE eBook! Sausage French Toast Roll-UpsServings: 12