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Does Your Teen Share Too Much Personal Information Online?

Three out of four teens share way too much personal information online, which can make them more vulnerable to cybercrime, according to the results of a survey conducted by LifeLock, a company that specializes in identity theft protection. The survey asked more than 700 teens ages 13 to 17 about their online and social networking habits and assessed their awareness of, and engagement in, potentially risky behavior. This is what teens are sharing online that they shouldn't:

  • 29 percent said they display their full date of birth, including the year.
  • 33 percent said they display part of their birth date, such as the month and year.
  • 23 percent reveal part of their home address.
  • 6 percent show their full home address.
  • 63 percent share the name of the school they attend.

While teens are fully aware of the danger of sharing personal information online, they don't think they're the worst offenders: Only 11 percent say they reveal too much about themselves, while 46 percent say their friends share too much. What can parents do? Begin the conversation by explaining identity theft and other online crimes to their teens, discuss the risks and have thoughtful conversations about smart ways to be safe while still being active in social media.