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Four Mother's Day Gifts You Can Make at Home

Many stores aren’t open and online ordering is not an option, but not to worry. Moms have always loved gifts from the heart more than anything store-bought. 

This Mother’s Day especially, there’s more reason for children of all ages to make a gift for Mom. You can make something that will be remembered for years to come as a gift of love and hope during this difficult time. 

Make a Playlist

Make her a Spotify playlist of music to listen to. Make sure to choose the songs you know she loves -- it's a great way to show her how much you pay attention to her interests.

Coupons for Time Together, Not Task

Home-made coupons have been a go-to gift for many years. Give coupons that MUST be redeemed on Mother’s Day that offer the gift of togetherness. Children any age offer to: 

  • Give mom a hand massage.

  • Read mom a book. 
  • Watch a movie together, her pick.
  • Go through photo albums together.
  • Go on a walk together. 

Frame a Quote
Frame her favorite quote or a quote that reminds you of her. (And have a tissue box close by for when she cries.)

Mom Rocks!

Find rocks in the yard and paint them with nail polish or leftover paint from the garage or other crafts. Paint cute bugs, flowers, the sun or a pattern, anything. Put them together on a plate on which you can paint: “My Mom Rocks!”