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Introducing Sunmark Risk Central!

Sunmark Credit Union is dedicated to the protection of our members’ money and personal information. Our industry leading risk team works diligently to remain up-to-date on the latest trends and topics pertaining to security and fraud so that our members can rest assured that their assets are protected. At Sunmark we care not only about Sunmark’s membership at large, but about you as an individual member.  It’s why we contact you immediately when we suspect that you may have been duped by one of many evolving scams or that you’ve become subject to elder abuse.

Fraud is on the rise, and the methods by which fraudsters attempt to steal your assets are constantly evolving. Rest assured, we are doing everything in our power to protect you and safeguard your assets. Here’s a secret, though. YOU, the members, are Sunmark’s biggest strength in protecting against fraud. Not only can you protect yourself, but your vigilance can also help us protect your fellow members. Through a section of the Sunmark 360 webpage and monthly email, our team will be providing updates pertaining to the topics trending in the world of bank security and fraud. In the meantime, we want to share with you four key ways you can get started on protecting yourself.

1. Watch this space for useful information and updates.
2. Pay close attention to the alerts we send you via email or on our website.
3. Remember that we will never ask for your personal information via email or text messaging.
4. Go digital!

     - Sign-up for e-statements: no more stolen or lost or delayed paper statements
     - Sign-up for online banking: keep an eye on your accounts, balances, and transactions
     - Provide us your email and mobile number so we can alert you, when needed

Make sure to share this information with your family and friends to help ensure they too are protecting themselves! Warm wishes for a happy holiday season and stay tuned for more from Sunmark Risk Central in the coming new year! Please feel free to reach out directly with any questions or concerns you may have at Sunmark_CRO@sunmark.org!

Vik Muktavaram
Chief Risk Officer, Sunmark Credit Union


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