Inventions We Wouldn’t Have Without Space Travel
Today’s tech was developed in the 90s in a quest for scientific quality cameras small enough to fit on spacecraft. CAT Scans: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory played a lead role in developing the technology, which in turn led to CAT scanners and radiology. LEDs: Red LEDs are used in space to grow plants, and to heal humans on Earth. Athletic Shoes: Nike Air trainers wouldn’t exist if a NASA engineer hadn’t pitched the idea when working on space suit technology. Dust Busters: NASA asked Black & Decker to come up with a lightweight device to collect moon samples. That lead to the Dustbuster in 1979. Ear Thermometers: NASA and Diatek developed the aural thermometer, which uses infrared astronomy tech to measure the energy emitted by the ear drum. The Jaws of Life: This uses a mini version of the explosive charge used to separate devices on the Space Shuttle. Wireless Headsets: NASA developed these to allow astronauts to be hands-free without wires. Baby Formula: It now contains a nutritional enrichment ingredient which can be traced back to NASA research into the use of algae during space travel. Portable Computers – and the Computer Mouse: Yup. Inspired by, and developed for space travel. |